baseURL = '' languageCode = 'en-us' title = '' theme = 'risotto' paginate = 3 [params] [params.about] title = "it's!" description = """> [the regrown limb can be monstrous, duplicated, potent. We have all been injured, profoundly.]( ---- Ь 887 | 2 """ [[params.socialLinks]] icon = "fa-brands fa-gitlab" title = "GitLab" url = "" [[params.socialLinks]] icon = "fa-brands fa-github" title = "GitHub" url = "" [params.theme] palette = "material" [markup] # Table of contents # Add toc = true to content front matter to enable [markup.tableOfContents] startLevel = 2 endLevel = 3 ordered = true [menus] [[menus.main]] name = 'Posts' pageRef = '/posts' weight = 20 [minify] disableHTML = true disableXML = true