+++ title = 'Hugo on Kubernetes & NGINX' date = 2024-02-28T15:35:46-08:00 draft = true series = ['wtf'] categories = ['Tutorial'] tags = ['meta', 'k8s', 'flux', 'hugo'] toc = true +++ i decided to make a website. a static one. this one. with [Hugo][hugo]. the main reason i have for needing a website is as a vanity project, because i need some stuff to host in a [Kubernetes][k8s] cluster i'm running. the k8s cluster is also a vanity project. because i don't like software, i wanted a way to deploy my site that doesn't involve much of it. this post is about that. ## Getting Started i built my site by following the straight-forward _[Getting Started][hugo-started]_ guide in the Hugo documentation. i did `hugo new site estradiol.cloud`. and then `cd estradiol.cloud; git init`. and then i picked a ridiculous theme ["inspired by terminal ricing aesthetics"][risotto], installing it like `git submodule add https://github.com/joeroe/risotto.git themes/risotto; echo "theme = 'risotto'" >> hugo.toml`.[^1] [^1]: i appreciate the culinary branding. at this point, my website is basically finished (i also changed the title in `hugo.toml`). i probably won't be putting anything on it, so there's no point fiddling with other details. about deployment, the guide's _[Basic Usage][hugo-deploy]_ page has this to offer: > Most of our users deploy their sites using a CI/CD workflow, where a push{{< sup "1" >}} > to their GitHub or GitLab repository triggers a build and deployment. Popular > providers include AWS Amplify, CloudCannon, Cloudflare Pages, GitHub Pages, > GitLab Pages, and Netlify. > > 1. The Git repository contains the entire project directory, typically excluding the > public directory because the site is built _after_ the push. importantly, you can't make a post about deploying this way. _everyone_ deploys this way. if _i_ deploy this way, this site will have no content. this approach also involves a build system somewhere that can run Hugo to build and push the compiled code and assets onto my cluster. i definitely already need Hugo installed on my workstation if i'm going to post anything.[^2] so now i'm running Hugo in two places. there's surely going to be other complex nonsense like webhooks involved. [^2]: unlikely. ![diagram: deploy w/ GitHub Pages & Actions](images/hugo-github-pages.svg) ---- and hang on. let's look at this again: > 1. The Git repository contains the entire project directory, typically excluding the > public directory because the site is built _after_ the push. you're telling me i'm going to build a nice static site and not check the _actual content_ into version control? couldn't be me. ## Getting Static suppose i instead check my content into git exactly as i intend to serve it? then i could shell into my server box, pull the site, and _nifty-galifty!_ isn't this the way it has [always been done][worm-love]? my problem is that i don't have a server box. i have a _container orchestration system_. there are several upsides to this[^3] but it means that _somehow_ my generated content needs to end up in a container. because [Pods][k8s-pods] are ephemeral and i'd like to run my site with horizontal scalability[^4], i don't want my container to need to retain runtime state across restarts or replicas. [^3]: few of which could be considered relevant for my project. [^4]: i absolutely will not need this i _could_ run a little pipeline that builds a container wrapping my content and pushes it to a registry somewhere my deployments can pull it. all ready to go. but now i've got _software_ again: build stages and webhooks and, to make matters worse, now i'm hosting and versioning container images. ![diagram: deploy w/ container build](images/hugo-container-build.svg) i don't want any of this. i just want to put some HTML and static assets behind a web server. --- instead, i'd like to deploy a popular container image from a public registry and deliver my content to it continuously. a minimal setup to achieve this might look like: - a `Pod` with: - an `nginx` container to serve the content; - a `git-pull` sidecar that loops, pulling the git content; - an `initContainer` to do the initial checkout; - an `emptyDir` volume to share between the containers. - a `ConfigMap` to store the nginx config. ![diagram: minimal pod/configmap setup](images/hugo-minimal-pod-setup.svg) when a new pod comes up, the `initContainer` mounts the [`emptyDir`][k8s-emptydir] and clones the repository into `/www`. i use `git sparse-checkout` to avoid pulling repository contents i don't want to serve out: ```bash # git-clone command git clone https://code.estradiol.cloud/tamsin/estradiol.cloud.git --no-checkout --branch trunk /tmp/www; cd /tmp/www; git sparse-checkout init --cone; git sparse-checkout set public; git checkout; shopt -s dotglob mv /tmp/www/* /www ``` for the sidecar, i script up my `git pull` loop: ```bash # git-pull command while true; do cd /www && git -c safe.directory=/www pull origin trunk sleep 60 done ``` and i create a [ConfigMap][k8s-configmap] with a server block to configure `nginx` to use Hugo's `public/` as root: ```txt # ConfigMap; data: default.conf server { listen 80; location / { root /www/public; index index.html; } } ``` the rest of this is pretty much boilerplate: {{< code-details summary="`kubectl apply -f estradiol-cloud.yaml`" lang="yaml" details=` # estradiol-cloud.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: labels: app.kubernetes.io/instance: estradiol-cloud app.kubernetes.io/name: nginx name: nginx-server-block data: default.conf: |- server { listen 80; location / { root /www/public; index index.html; } } --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: nginx labels: app.kubernetes.io/instance: estradiol-cloud app.kubernetes.io/name: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx:1.25.4 ports: - containerPort: 80 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /www name: www - mountPath: /etc/nginx/conf.d name: nginx-server-block - name: git-pull image: bitnami/git command: - /bin/bash - -ec - | while true; do cd /www && git -c safe.directory=/www pull origin trunk sleep 60 done volumeMounts: - mountPath: /www name: www initContainers: - name: git-clone image: bitnami/git command: - /bin/bash - -c - | shopt -s dotglob git clone https://code.estradiol.cloud/tamsin/estradiol.cloud.git --no-checkout --branch trunk /tmp/www; cd /tmp/www; git sparse-checkout init --cone; git sparse-checkout set public; git checkout; mv /tmp/www/* /www volumeMounts: - mountPath: /www name: www volumes: - name: www emptyDir: {} - name: nginx-server-block configMap: name: nginx-server-block ` >}} --- my Hugo workflow now looks like: 1. make changes to source; 1. run `hugo --gc --minify`;[^7] 1. commit & push. my `git pull` control loop takes things over from here and i'm on easy street. [^7]: i added `disableHTML = true` and `disableXML = true` to `[minify]` configuration in `hugo.toml` to keep HTML and RSS diffs readable. ## Getting Web this is going great! my Pod is running. it's serving out my code. i get continuous deployment™ for the low price of 11 lines `bash`. i mean... no one can actually browse to my website[^8] but that will be an easy fix, right? [^8]: i can check that its working, at least, with a [port-forward][k8s-port]. first, i need a [`Service`][k8s-svc]. this gives me a proxy with service discovery. TK: what is this really? {{< code-details summary="kubectl apply -f service.yaml" lang="yaml" details=` # service.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: labels: app.kubernetes.io/instance: estradiol-cloud app.kubernetes.io/name: nginx name: nginx spec: type: ClusterIP selector: app.kubernetes.io/instance: estradiol-cloud app.kubernetes.io/name: nginx ports: - name: http port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: http ` >}} and i need an [`Ingress`][k8s-ingress] to handle traffic inbound to the cluster and direct it to the `Service`: {{< code-details summary="kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml" lang="yaml" details=` # ingress.yaml apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1 kind: Ingress metadata: labels: app.kubernetes.io/instance: estradiol-cloud app.kubernetes.io/name: nginx name: nginx spec: rules: - host: estradiol.cloud http: paths: - backend: service: name: nginx port: name: http path: / pathType: Prefix ` >}} TK: wtf? Ingress controller --- as this has come together, i've gotten increasinly anxious about how much YAML i've had to write. this is a problem because YAML is software and, as we've established, i'm hoping not to have much of that. it's also annoying that most of this YAML really is boilerplate. conveniently, [Bitnami][bitnami] maintains a [Helm][helm] Chart that hides all the boilerplate and does exactly what we've just been doing manually.[^9] [^9]: what incredible luck! (obviously, until now i've been working backward from this chart) TK: install helm TK: pull bitnami chart TK: helm values {{< code-details summary="`helm upgrade --install --create-namespace --namespace estradiol-cloud -f values.yaml`" lang="yaml" details=` # values.yaml cloneStaticSiteFromGit: enabled: true repository: "https://code.estradiol.cloud/tamsin/estradiol.cloud.git" branch: trunk gitClone: command: - /bin/bash - -ec - | [[ -f "/opt/bitnami/scripts/git/entrypoint.sh" ]] && source "/opt/bitnami/scripts/git/entrypoint.sh" git clone {{ .Values.cloneStaticSiteFromGit.repository }} --no-checkout --branch {{ .Values.cloneStaticSiteFromGit.branch }} /tmp/app [[ "$?" -eq 0 ]] && cd /tmp/app && git sparse-checkout init --cone && git sparse-checkout set public && git checkout && shopt -s dotglob && rm -rf /app/* && mv /tmp/app/* /app/ ingress: enabled: true hostname: estradiol.cloud ingressClassName: nginx tls: true annotations: { cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: letsencrypt-prod } serverBlock: |- server { listen 8080; root /app/public; index index.html; } service: type: ClusterIP `>}} ![diagram: helm setup](images/hugo-helm-setup.svg) ## Getting Flux'd by this point i'm pretty `git push`-pilled and i'm thinking i don't much like having this `helm` client software installed on my laptop. plus, i still have some YAML and it's not really great that i'm storing it in flat files and pushing it to my cluster manually. i love automation. i might love automation more than i disdain software. i feel prepared to get some software if it will get this yaml out of my shell history and into a git repo. TK: Flux ![diagram: flux git push/deploy sequence](images/flux-seq.svg) ```yaml apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2 kind: HelmRepository metadata: name: bitnami namespace: default spec: url: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami ``` {{< code-details summary="`release.yaml`" lang="yaml" details=` apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1 kind: HelmRelease metadata: name: web namespace: estradiol-cloud spec: interval: 5m chart: spec: chart: nginx version: '15.12.2' sourceRef: kind: HelmRepository name: bitnami namespace: default interval: 1m values: cloneStaticSiteFromGit: enabled: true repository: "https://code.estradiol.cloud/tamsin/estradiol.cloud.git" branch: trunk gitClone: command: - /bin/bash - -ec - | [[ -f "/opt/bitnami/scripts/git/entrypoint.sh" ]] && source "/opt/bitnami/scripts/git/entrypoint.sh" git clone {{ .Values.cloneStaticSiteFromGit.repository }} --no-checkout --branch {{ .Values.cloneStaticSiteFromGit.branch }} /tmp/app [[ "$?" -eq 0 ]] && cd /tmp/app && git sparse-checkout init --cone && git sparse-checkout set public && git checkout && shopt -s dotglob && rm -rf /app/* && mv /tmp/app/* /app/ ingress: enabled: true hostname: estradiol.cloud ingressClassName: nginx tls: true annotations: { cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: letsencrypt-prod } serverBlock: |- server { listen 8080; root /app/public; index index.html; } service: type: ClusterIP `>}} ## A Note About Software at this point i'm forced to admit there's still a lot of software involved in this. setting aside the stuff that provisions and scales my cluster nodes, i have: - `nginx` (running from a stock image); - `git` & `bash` (running from a stock image); - a remote git server (i'm running `gitea`[^8], but github dot com is fine here); - Kubernetes (oops!); - `fluxcd`, especially `kustomize-controller` and `helm-controller`; - `nginx-ingress` controller; - the `bitnami/nginx` Helm chart; [^8]: because i'm running `gitea` in my cluster and i want to avoid a circular dependency for my `flux` source repository, i also depend on GitLab dot com. i get to maintain my two `bash` scripts for `git-clone` and `git-pull`, my NGINX config, and a couple of blobs of YAML. at least there are no webhooks. --- _fin_ [bitnami]: https://bitnami.com/ [cert-mgr]: https://cert-manager.io/docs/tutorials/acme/nginx-ingress/ [helm]: https://helm.sh [hugo]: https://gohugo.io [hugo-deploy]: https://gohugo.io/getting-started/usage/#deploy-your-site [hugo-started]: https://gohugo.io/getting-started [k8s]: https://kubernetes.io [k8s-emptydir]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#emptydir [k8s-init]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/init-containers/ [k8s-ingress]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/ [k8s-pods]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/ [k8s-port]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/port-forward-access-application-cluster/ [k8s-pv]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/ [k8s-svc]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/ [risotto]: https://github.com/joeroe/risotto [worm-love]: https://www.mikecurato.com/worm-loves-worm