Tutorial on estradiol.cloud https://estradiol.cloud/categories/tutorial/ Recent content in Tutorial on estradiol.cloud Hugo en-us Mon, 01 Jul 2024 13:37:53 -0700 Signal Desktop on Arch & Wayland https://estradiol.cloud/posts/signal-desktop-on-arch-wayland/ Mon, 01 Jul 2024 13:37:53 -0700 https://estradiol.cloud/posts/signal-desktop-on-arch-wayland/ i’ve used Signal as my preferred messaging app since around 2015. for a long time, i had the desktop application, and used it often to text directly from my laptop. since switching to Wayland, years ago now, i have simply lived without it: the desktop app didn’t have native wayland support, and i was unwilling to jump through xwayland hoops. today, i finally broke down and went looking for a fix. Hugo on Kubernetes & NGINX https://estradiol.cloud/posts/hugo-on-k8s-nginx/ Tue, 12 Mar 2024 16:45:59 -0700 https://estradiol.cloud/posts/hugo-on-k8s-nginx/ i decided to make a website. a static one. this one. with Hugo. the main reason i have for needing a website is as a vanity project, so i have some stuff to host in a Kubernetes cluster i’m running. the k8s cluster is also a vanity project. because i don’t like software, i wanted a way to deploy my site that doesn’t involve much of it. this post is about that. Miniflux for Self-Hosted RSS https://estradiol.cloud/posts/miniflux-rss/ Mon, 04 Mar 2024 14:56:38 -0800 https://estradiol.cloud/posts/miniflux-rss/ inspired by rss-is-dead.lol, i decided to start self-hosting an RSS reader. the one i deployed is Miniflux, “a minimalist and opinionated feed reader”. it’s not clear to me what its opinions are, but i do like the simple pinboardesque interface. i deployed it using the Helm chart provided by Gabe365. this chart seems to be part of the splintering of k8s-at-home. it does the trick, but i had to work around a few issues: