INSERT INTO snippets (title, content, created, expires) VALUES ( 'An old silent pond', 'An old silent pond...\nA frog jumps into the pont,\nsplash! Silence again.\n\n- Masuo Bashō', UTC_TIMESTAMP(), DATE_ADD(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL 365 DAY) ); INSERT INTO snippets (title, content, created, expires) VALUES ( 'Over the wintry forest', 'Over the wintry\nforest, winds howl in rage\nwith no leaves to blow.\n\n- Natsume Soseki', UTC_TIMESTAMP(), DATE_ADD(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL 365 DAY) ); INSERT INTO snippets (title, content, created, expires) VALUES ( 'First autumn morning', 'First autumn morning\nthe mirror I stare into\nshows my father''s face.\n\n- Murakami Kijo', UTC_TIMESTAMP(), DATE_ADD(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) );