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+++ title = 'Miniflux for Self-Hosted RSS' date = 2024-03-04T14:56:38-08:00 categories = ['Tutorial'] tags = ['meta', 'k8s', 'miniflux', 'rss'] +++

inspired by, i decided to start self-hosting an RSS reader. the one i deployed is Miniflux, "a minimalist and opinionated feed reader". it's not clear to me what its opinions are, but i do like the simple pinboardesque interface.

dark miniflux interface

i deployed it using the Helm chart provided by Gabe365. this chart seems to be part of the splintering of k8s-at-home. it does the trick, but i had to work around a few issues:

  1. ingress configuration is unusual; especially i had to explictly provide a seceretName to tls configuration.
  2. getting postgres configured without including the password in values.yaml was a little challenging. i had to use existingSecret (which is supported by the upstream bitnami chart), but using it in the existing chart required:

{{< code-details summary="values.yaml" lang="yaml" details=ingress: main: enabled: true className: nginx annotations: letsencrypt-prod hosts: - host: paths: - path: / tls: - hosts: - secretName: miniflux-tls postgresql: enabled: true auth: database: miniflux username: miniflux password: usused-chart-hack existingSecret: miniflux-postgresql persistence: enabled: true size: 10Gi >}}